Pro-creation II

I have a very strong suspicion that many have failed to understand the thin line difference between creation (Gn. 1:27) and pro-creation (Gn. 1:28). While the former is the sole handiwork of God, yet, the latter is still God’s continuing gift to mankind to fulfill his original work of creation using man to pro-create. Meaning, both are God’s will but in different manners. Thus, disbelief of either one is a disbelief of both. It is here where the big problem lies. RH Bill supporters believe that man (the State for that matter) can do as he wishes to control pro-creation by means of introducing contraceptives, more particularly, the modern pills to destroy and frustrate the will of God to: “Be fertile and multiply” (Gn. 1:28) and instead, defertilize and do not multiply. Clearly, this is a direct assault on God’s will and sovereignty and a very grievous sin.

Sometimes I wonder, in deep meditation, if only they could realize that God in His desire to share this greatest gift of creation to mankind infinitely, fulfilled this desire via pro-creation. At this point, I am reminded of Jesus Christ confronting words addressing to Nathaniel, the would-be-apostle Bartholomew. “Here is a true Israelite without guile.” The message here is that God loves those without guile. Is RH Bill without guile? It is full. R stands for Reproductive and H stands for Health. How can it be reproductive when it suffocates the will of God by defertilizing rather than “fertilize and multiply” by using the modern stronger pills? And how can you expect a mother-to-be to be healthy when the side effects of these stronger pills are so devastating and debilitating? I am so saddened by the fact that the fight from here on is a fight between David and Goliath or Don Quijote against the giant wind mills. But David could not have killed Goliath without divine intervention just like what God did to David.

At this writing, the bill has been in the plenary in the lower house and surely the cruelty of numbers will prevail solely because of the open and aggressive endorsement of no less than the President who dared the Catholic Church that even if he is ex-communicated, he does not care. Oh, my God! Is he not aware that he is challenging God? Here, at last, the line is drawn between a true Catholic and pseudo Catholic, the latter represented by the President and his minions in Congress and the former by those who are God-fearing and who oppose the RH Bill. In the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the seventh, “Fear of the Lord” stands out the greatest. Sadly, the President and his minions do not care to enjoy this gift because they do not care even if they do not receive the greatest manifestation of this gift of the Holy Eucharist on account of their ex-communication! On the other hand, the true Catholic even offers sacrifices just to enjoy this gift. He dreads the day when he is ex-communicated!

History really repeats itself. During the ministry of Jesus, the Jews were split, believers and the non-believers. Today, 2000 years or so later, the nation, like Israel, are split on a very identical issue of faith and morality of the RHB; a clash between the believers (those who believe that the bill is against the will of God) and the non-believers (those who believe that it is not against the will of God). Some quarters (one is a former Cebu City mayor and the others presently a congressman and still, another one is an incumbent senator) daringly (or innocently perhaps out of sheer ignorance of the law of God?) caution the Church not to use religion to anchor her opposition to the bill. How shocking! It’s just like telling someone not to use his hands in a boxing bout. Oh, how basic. The real issue here is faith and morality and they are telling us not to use religion as our tool to our opposition to the bill! The real issue here is whether you are going against the will of God or not. Nothing less, nothing more. Just that, period.

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