Reader's Views: Pe's brand of politics

The game of politics is always dirty, nasty and sometimes even bloody. You cannot be on it if you are not a scheming and a devious player.

Most politicians don’t stop for anything because they must come out the strongest and the longest-standing player. 

But there is always a twilight in every career, and at the end of the day, there are ideally far more important things than politics. Yet some refuse to let go and accept the bounds laid by law, no matter how immoral they have become in the eyes of many.

A city councilor’s term is limited to three (3) consecutive three (3) year terms only. Some retire as others return after a lapse of a term or two, some get appointed to other offices, some move on to grander elective positions, some try to move up and lose, while some try to out-better the law.

You showed us, you really showed us Jun Pe. 

Not only have you served the maximum term allotted for your position in public office but you now maneuver to cheat the south district hopefuls of a fair chance of the game. Not only have you subjected the North district constituents to your flawed leadership, now you prey on the south? 

You may have sought yet to transfer registry to the south, but you have already betrayed the people of the north district. Have the delicadeza at least to resign as Councilor of the North once and should you file a certificate of candidacy to run in the South.

Nonetheless, we are thankful that you have now clearly showed us your brand of politics, one anchored on greed for power, and maybe even money that only Tom, Dick and Harry know how you play it. It also speaks well about your political boss who has given you his imprimatur.

As I trust well in the maturity in the judgment on my fellow voters in the South district, you really showed us, Mr. Pe, that you see yourself better than the constitution you swore an oath to uphold.

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