Damage control, if still possible

It is no surprise when the country finds itself at the sharp end of criticisms from being number one in corruption to having the worst airports in the world. For us, nothing can really be done about it, especially when it is true. In fact, the only thing that can be done is to offer an explanation as to why we are being branded as such, followed by a promise to become better or to directly address the criticisms. When I read about our airports being one of the most hated, I did not come to its defense, because it is true, especially for the old NAIA Terminal I. I have been to many countries in the course of my work, and I have seen what the other airport terminals of the world can offer. We are definitely a far cry from many. But then again, I believe we are still better than most, but that’s not the issue.

Because of the criticisms that have traveled at the speed of light, thanks to the internet, we have promised to make things better. A budget is now available for the rehabilitation of the old NAIA Terminal I, which has received the most criticism. I believe that things will become better for the historic terminal, within this administration. But like anything, it takes time. The effort is there. Which is why when I read about another complaint from a celebrity about his unfortunate experiences in out airport, I was once again frustrated. Haven’t we had enough bad press? Why can’t we learn from our mistakes? How are we supposed to sell ourselves to the world, if incidents like these just keep on popping up?

What even made me more frustrated was it was a Hollywood actor who made the criticisms! Aren’t we glad that the “Bourne Legacy” made it here in the country? How could we let this happen? Then things started to clear up. Thank God we now have officials who really care about the image of the country. After a more thorough investigation of the so-called incident, it was discovered that it never happened, at least not in the Philippines. This actor had filming schedules in Indonesia. So what probably happened, if we are to believe everything that this actor was saying, they all happened in Indonesia, not in the Philippines! The reinforcement by a popular night-time talk show host, who also does not know his geography nor cared enough to check the story himself, did not help. The damage has been done. Another celebrity has had another bad experience in the Philippines, which apparently now covers Indonesia! I’m sure they will not go through any lengths explaining and apologizing for their mistake. It made for good late night TV, that’s all that matters. We can complain all we want, what do they care? We probably all look alike to them!

Nobody can say we are not trying to change the way the world sees us, perceives us. If anything, this administration is doing its best on fixing all that is broken with the country. But it’s one thing to kick someone when he is down. The comments made by this actor, reinforced by this host, were uncalled for, unwarranted. It smacks of profiling. We demand an apology, or a retraction at least. Otherwise, why should we even watch this guy’s movie, or tune in to this host’s show?

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