Hmmm.many congressmen also own condos!

 It seems that my good friend Councilor Jun Pe wants to test the waters regarding term limits. We know well enough that when a public official reaches his third term, that person is barred from seeking another term of office for the same position. But apparently, Councilor Jun Pe has struck a novel idea … by moving from his current residence in the North District into the Second District of Cebu City.

 At this point, I can only wish him luck. If the law is silent on this, I’m sure that there are people just waiting in the wings to file a case against him. Lest anyone forgot, Councilor Pe’s constituents belong to the North District. When he moves to the South District, the question is … who will be his constituents? Will they recognize him as their leader? Abangan!

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 The impeachment trial for Supreme Court Chief Justice Renato Corona has yet to commence in the Senate come Jan. 17, but his trial by publicity is well underway when the spin doctors and propagandists under the employ of Pres. Benigno “PNoy” Aquino, III attacked the University of Sto. Tomas (UST) for bestowing on CJ Corona a Doctorate Degree, which was totally unexpected! On one side, we have Malacañang sycophants cheering on PNoy against the Chief Justice, then out of the blue, a very prestigious university does the exact opposite by honoring the man that they have demonized in the press and the public.

 After the UST refuted the news reports that everything was above board …that CJ Corona earned his doctorate, the spin-doctors shifted gears and their attention to the CJ’s P14.5 million condo at the Bonifacio Global City in Taguig. Wow! I didn’t know that owning a condo unit has become a crime in this country?

 Perhaps before we go any further on this issue, it is time for the House of Representatives to come out with clean hands and let’s see that list of congressmen and congresswomen who also own condo units and where these can be found. I’m willing to bet that we will uncover many legislators with condo units who probably put those units in other people’s names.

 If you ask me, the prosecutors of CJ Corona should shut their traps and wait for the impeachment trial and not resort to trial by publicity. But then, this is the tactics of the spin doctors under Pres. PNoy who just cannot play fair and use character assassinations to destroy a person long before the impeachment court could clear or convict CJ Corona.

 We know too well that the problem with Pres. PNoy and his minions is that, they have forgotten that whenever they point a dirty accusing finger at CJ Corona, three other fingers point directly back to them. A case in point is the still mysterious issue of the Porsche sports car of Pres. PNoy. All of the sudden, within a year after he became President he bought a sports car for himself. We asked for details like who sold the car to him, we ended with a blank wall. Why the secrecy huh?

 Finally, when he could no longer stand the heat… Pres. PNoy ditched the Porsche and told the Filipino people that he sold it. But the questions remained as to who sold it to the President or whether taxes were paid for that vehicle and to whom he sold the car? So these are questions begging for an answer. But why is Malacañang mum about this? How dare they accuse the Chief Justice of having a condo when they themselves would not even explain to the public about the sports car that the President had especially whether the taxes of that vehicle was paid or not? 

 Talking about propriety, we just read a Star report from the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) that it has alloted funds to replace the 30-year old Presidential Fokker 28 plane that was purchased by the government since the time of Pres. Ferdinand Marcos. While I agree that this aircraft should be changed … we know too well that all the presidents from Tita Cory down to GMA always had “friends” who would loan them their private jets for those short regional trips. So the question is, should we be purchasing a new plane at this time when we’re still having problems on typhoon victims in Mindanao?

 Last December, the Philippine Navy commissioned the Presidential Yacht “Ang Pangulo” when we know too well that all over the world, heads of state have even mothballed their presidential yachts. But they are a rich nation, while the Philippines is a 3rd world country. Hence, we should not be showing off at this time with nice yachts and spanking new private jets for the Office of the President. If indeed Pres. PNoy wants to show to the nation that he is prudent in spending public funds, then he should tell the DBM not to get a new aircraft and return the Ang Pangulo back to the Navy.

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