EDITORIAL - Only a flyover can defeat the Filipino driver

Most of the arguments — pro or con — in the ongoing debates over whether or not two flyovers proposed by Rep. Cutie del Mar should be built or not have probably been said already. But there is one thing the debaters have not yet given consideration: Filipino drivers.

Filipino drivers, whether behind the wheels of private vehicles or driving public utility vehicles, generally subscribe to a particular set of traffic rules — their own. While there are drivers who stick to the rules, their numbers are overwhelmed by those who don’t.

And we believe this fact should be taken into consideration in the ongoing debates over the proposed flyovers. Because by its very nature, flyovers, as opposed to other measures meant to introduce sanity at intersections, leave drivers no option to make their own road decisions.

A flyover offers direct and unimpeded crisscrossing of intersections and eliminates dependence on traffic lights, at least as far as the vehicles using the flyover are concerned. Without flyovers, Filipino drivers left to their own devices can render traffic lights useless.

In case you have not noticed, Filipino drivers do not look at the lights ahead of them but at those intended for crossing traffic. Why? Because Filipino drivers are impatient and would want to beat the lights at “caution” on the other side.

Filipino drivers do not give a damn if traffic ahead is jammed if the light ahead of him is green. He would cross the intersection and end up blocking the crossing traffic when the lights change and he cannot proceed. If there is a passenger to pick, a driver picks him up — anywhere. 

With this attitude, no road is wide enough at intersections, despite the good intentions of flyover opponents. A flyover is quicker to build than changing attitudes. And there is a way to get around the attitude of Filipino drivers by not allowing it the chance to manifest itself.

Give the driver a through channel, which is what a flyover is. Deprive him of traffic lights he can second guess, or passengers he can pick up, even in the middle of the street. A flyover allows a Filipino driver no chance to bother others. His only option is to drive through. 

Road widening, on the other hand, won’t happen tomorrow. Several businesses and schools near a proposed flyover are endorsing road widening instead. But has anyone bothered to ask if they are willing to give up portions of their properties for road widening?

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