Cretins and vermin

 There is nothing more sad and poignant than the image of a flag-draped coffin. At the same time, it shows the highest honor one is given at the time of his death. “From a proud and grateful nation,” are the words solemnly uttered as the folded flag is offered to the family of the fallen. Indeed, what greater sacrifice could one give for the country, than life offered at the altar of freedom? This is what seven Philippine Marines did, against a domestic enemy that has fostered terrorism, caused misery and despair for countless individuals for decades! An enemy who has no honor whatsoever, on and off the battlefield. An enemy who hides behind the faux battle cry of an independent Moro state, but are actually no more than plain bandits.

 Five out of those seven fallen Marines were mutilated and beheaded by those very same Abu Sayyaf bandits! It is not enough that they have killed their enemy, they have to defile and mutilate their bodies as a final insult! I really wonder if we mutilated and defiled the bodies of dead Islamic militants? What kind of uproar would we receive, not only from local terrorists but from the whole world? A double standard that has prevailed whenever radical Muslims are being dealt with! Their bodies have to be treated this way and that way, but they hack, mutilate and behead those who stand opposed to their criminal cause!

 Because of the latest atrocities committed by the Abu Sayyaf, no less than President Aquino has labeled these cretin as the nation’s number one enemy. Rightly so. But it has to be backed up with a firm resolve to wipe out these vermin from the face of the earth! I say, when the Hamilton-class cutter that the Philippines has recently purchased from the US arrives, it should be deployed to the islands of Jolo and Basilan first before proceeding to the Spratlys. There they could practice their naval bombardment skills by pounding the lairs of these rats, and then start hunting them down one by one. It is time to rid the country of this group. It is time to avenge those who have died by their unclean hands, both civilian and military. It is time to uproot this evil that has sown terror among peace-loving, peace-searching people. No longer can the country, under this administration, allow the existence of the Abu Sayyaf to continue. The only heads I would like to hear beheaded, are theirs!

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