PNoy's SONA and this cabbie

PNoy’s SONA. This taxi driver was listening to the State of the Nation Address of President Noynoy Aquino when two passengers (a husband and his wife) got in. But before giving directions to the cabbie, they wanted him to turn off the radio. “Paminaw man ka anang mga butbot ni PNoy,” the husband said. The driver refused and the couple got down.

OTHERS LISTENED. The cabbie told the Ear informer: “Wa pa gani kadungog sa SONA nganlan nag butboton si PNoy.” But the other passengers, according to the driver, listened to the SONA and even expressed their appreciation to him for monitoring the speech. The driver said he reached only Grade 5 that’s why he listens to what the “big people” are saying to enhance his knowledge about the government.

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