Ghosts of election past

This is exactly how I see Lintang Bedol, the former Comelec election supervisor of Maguindanao who, after almost four years in hiding (by the Ampatuans?), has surfaced and has been dropping bombshells regarding the misconduct of the 2004 and 2007 elections where the Arroyo administration, in fact her presidency, benefited from such misconduct. Like a ghost from the past, he is now in the custody of the Comelec, the very agency who cited him for contempt four years ago. A ghost with a bulletproof vest! If you will recall, he once was interviewed with a pistol tucked in his waist, saying that he will not be taken without a fight. He then disappeared.

 His current revelations regarding the massive cheating during the said elections were too juicy to be ignored, both by the current administration and the nation. Which is why he was readily taken into custody. He is now at Camp Crame, under guard by the PNP. I hope that’s a good idea for now. One can openly speculate that the reason for the body armor would be the apparent and perceived threats to his life, because of his revelations. Electoral sabotage is a serious offense, one that former president Gloria Arroyo may soon be facing, if this administration pushes for it. Others are now coming out of the woodwork as well, each with their own stories to tell. More ghosts.

 Susan Roces’ statement that cheaters must be punished is now a battle cry for many. Her famous lash at Arroyo may have been a foreshadowing of things to come for the former president, who now faces case after case being filed against her for a myriad of offences. This may well prove to be gravest, since there is a star witness with others corroborating Bedol’s statements. No more Merceditas Gurierrez to run interference. But the biggest, scariest ghost for Arroyo is still in self-imposed moral slumber, Virgilio Garcillano. Could he be next to awaken with a conscience? Will he soon don a bulletproof vest as well?

For now, we will have to wait as the story plays out. Since the ghosts are already coming out, after four years, the end may soon be near, pun intended. 

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