The best way to destroy the Filipino family unit!

We are still in the midst of the spiritual battle against those who wish to defy the will of God by supporting the controversial Reproductive Health (RH) bill. Then all of a sudden those godless ideologues from Gabriela opened up another front coming up with that proposal to legalize divorce in this country. These people do not remember their World War II history when Adolf Hitler who was fighting a war in France and England suddenly launched another front called “Operation Barbarossa” and invaded Russia. A simple advice is never fight a war with two fronts!

Indeed, the raging battle against the RH Bill will now include a fight against the proposal for divorce because the two are undoubtedly attacking the very basic core of Filipino society... the family unit. Let me point out that while we do sympathize with those people who can no longer stay married because of irreconcilable differences, but allowing divorce would open this country to more broken families, which is the by product of divorce, which has already been proven in all the countries that legalized divorce.

So what if the tiny island of Malta agreed to legalize divorce and so too with the rest of the world. Having no divorce in the Philippines will make us the most unique among the nations of the world, and I tell you, God will shower our nation with blessings coming out of our ears! What I can’t understand with this country is why are we being led by the group from Gabriela who has no respect for religion? Here we go again, once more we will be accused of bringing religion into this controversy. But like it or not, we must obey the will of God, lest we suffer his wrath!

Let me cite the Scriptural passage about God’s thoughts on divorce. First is from Mark 10:9 which our Lord Jesus Christ said, “What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.” In Matthew 19:6, our Lord Jesus said, “So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, man must never separate.” Mind you, it is not the bishops or the clergy who made this up... as it is written in the Holy Book quoting our Lord Jesus Christ on this very important issue, which was even questioned by the Jews 2,000 years ago.

We know that there are just too many pastors or priests out there who more often than not misinterpret the Bible, but this passage is crystal clear to me that God wants those who are already married in church should stay married and never separate. This should be taken as a clear warning to all of you lovebirds out there to be extra careful in choosing your lifelong mate, lest you marry the wrong one! There is even a joke that goes, “Man marries a woman, hoping that she will never change, while woman marries a man hoping that he would change.” In the end both get disappointed.

I’m positive that this proposal to have divorce in this country would once more pit the pros against the antis that are already embroiled in the RH Bill controversy. So they might as well drop the divorce bill into this extremely toxic cauldron aimed to destroy the Filipino family.

As of now, we haven’t heard a peep from Malacañang as to which side of the fence they would support in this new battle. But I reckon that this new front could very well be a Malacañang designed scheme to somehow pressure the Catholic Church to accept a compromise so that Malacañang can withdraw its support for the divorce bill if the Catholic Church will no longer block the RH bill.

When the Gabriela Party-List Representative fired the first salvo pushing the divorce bill, as if on cue, the world’s greatest boxing champ Manny Pacquiao immediately threw punches against the proposal, saying that we should never have divorce in this country. For those who are pushing or supporting the RH and the divorce bills, especially those who say that they are still Catholic, I suggest that you please stop praying the Lord’s Prayer because God who hears our prayers will catch you lying when you say, “Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven!”

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I got this rather hilarious response to our article last week on the new President Obama Mideast doctrine for Israel to return to the 1967 borders as a start for new talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. At least it adds spice to this rather serious issue. It is in the form of a letter.

“Dear President Barack Obama: I’m writing you today with a somewhat unusual request, first and foremost, I will be asking you to return America to its August 20, 1959 borders so that Hawaii is no longer a State and you are no longer a US citizen. With all due respect, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.”

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