Unleash the dragon!

The problem of piracy in the Gulf of Aden by lawless Somalis continues. And Filipino sailors are often times caught in the heart of it, becoming hostage to these criminals. Some have been their captive for more than a year already. Whether treated well or not, they are still prisoners. Several nations have started actively repelling these pirates, as opposed to the old policy of just handing them over the keys, so to speak. Why this policy exists, I never understood. Ships may be considered sovereign, even in international waters. So unauthorized boarding by the pirates may be seen as acts of aggression towards a particular country and as such, deem an appropriate response. I’ve heard the argument that the safety of the ship and the cargo actually outweigh the welfare of the crew, hence they should just become hostages!

But I’ve always wondered why these pirates aren’t dealt with right at their own backyard, when almost every nation knows where they are. Since these are criminals that have preyed long enough on the shipping lanes, affecting the economies of several nations, then it is just right to hit them where they live and put a stop to this once and for all! Analysts say that too little is at stake for military action against these pirates. They are not a “clear and present danger”, especially to the US which has the military capability to wipe out whole towns. With Somalia not having oil, the US couldn’t care less! Europe and Asia have the most to loose with the disruption of these shipping lanes. Which is why someone has decided to say something.

Of all countries, China is now calling for attacks on the pirates’ land bases. The idea of hitting them where they live seems to have finally caught up to some officials. I really don’t know why the rights of Somali pirates are always or even being considered, when they have no respect whatsoever as to the rights of their victims. So if China wants to do it, I say let them. China has always been above world opinion, so attacking the Somalis would not bother them at all. They certainly have the capability. So for once, the world could benefit from China’s indifference. I say unleash the dragon and slay the trolls! It certainly is about time!

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