Phl Peñaverde in NY concert / Aspiring singers in recital / Tolentino writing workshop

Young Filipino tenor Rogelio Peñaverde Jr. will give a concert on April 30, 4 p.m. at the Liederkranz Concert Hall on 6 East 87th St., New York City, under the auspices of the Felipe Padilla de Leon Foundation. Rogelio obtained his Master’s degree in Voice from the Manhattan School of Music in NY as a merit scholar. He was an undergraduate student at the UST Conservatory as an Alumni Association scholar.

During the tenor’s brief visit here, I praised him for his “engaging presence” and “strong, dependable vocal equipment which flawlessly soars and sustains high notes long and firmly”.

Peñaverde recently portrayed with notable success the role of Lorenzo in Auber’s Fra Diavolo with the Bronx Opera Co. Last year, he was Leon in Pasatieri’s Signor Deluso with the Encanta Collective; Ernesto in Donizetti’s Don Pasquale with the Bronx Opera Co, and Tamino in Mozart’s “Magic Flute” with the NY Lyric Opera Theater, and the Martina Arroyo Foundation.

His other operatic roles include those of Idreno in Rossini’s Semiramide, Nadir in Bizet’s “Pearl Fishers”, Don Octavio in Mozart’s Don Giovanni, Lacouf in Poulenc’s Les Mamelles de Tiresias, Gheroldo in Steffani’s Tassilone, Ramiro in Ravel’s L’Heure Espagnole, and Sheldon Segali in Musto’s “Later the Same Evening”.

Added to his formidable operatic roles in New York are the tenor leads in Bizet’s Te Deum, Mozart’s Missa Brevis in D Major, Dubois’ “The Seven Last Words of Christ”, and Haydn’s Missa Sancti Nicolai.

In Peñaverde’s concert on April 30, baritone Enrico Lagasca and sopranos Wilma Manuel and Lisa Villamaria, guest artists, will render a few selections. Pianist Cynthia O. de Leon will be the assisting artist.

The De Leon Foundation aims to introduce Filipino heritage and culture to the NY community through performances of gifted artists.

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“Music and Friends”, an organization initiated by Nely Chua, consists of music aficionados and aspiring singers. According to one of its members, Rogelio Peñaverde Sr., father of US-based tenor Rogelio Jr., some in the group have actually taken voice lessons under Maestra Jovita Fuentes decades ago — among them Peñaverde, himself — while others have sung minor roles in past opera productions.

I did not attend the “Music and Friends” recital at the GSIS Museum but was kindly provided with a program listing the participants and the selections sung. These were kundimans, contemporary OPMs, popular Italian, Neapolitan and Spanish songs like Pregunta a las Estrellas and Estrellita, songs from operettas and the aria Habanera from Bizet’s opera Carmen interpreted by Ofelia Santos. Several numbers were from Broadway musicals. Pianist Julie Mendoza was the assisting artist.

A complete listing of the singers follows: Nene Cristobal, Nenita Cuevas, Jose Rabe, Sheila Reglos, Cesar Pedro, Nely Chua, Neddie Simpas, Josie Tamayo, Solita Peñaverde, Lulu Uy, Ester Vibal in a duet with Rogelio Peñaverde Sr., Ofelia and Beny Santos in a duet from the zarzuela Walang Sugat, Alice Cua and R. Peñaverde in a duet.

The Filipino composers represented were Leopoldo Silos, Nicanor Abelardo, Juan S. Hernandez, Constancio de Guzman, Francisco Santiago, Ernani Cuenco, Mike Velarde, Rey Alinsod, Angel Peña and Felipe P. de Leon.

An intermission number “Under the Sea” was performed by ballet dancer Therese Danielle Simpas.

The wide diversity of the selections must have been highly entertaining.

The participants should continue their singing sessions not merely for the pleasure these give them but also for the promise the sessions hold for those who, persevering under professional voice teachers, may eventually be singing in opera.

Toots O. Tolentino, who manages a highly in-demand promotions agency, is currently conducting a writing workshop. Themes are art and culture, health and wellness, home and interiors, food and restaurants, fashion and beauty, travel, family and personalities.

Participants should be high school and college graduates, adults and professionals. The on-site, experiential workshop has no classroom setting; participants are inter-active.

For inquiries call 0917-8604205 or e-mail


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