Earning honest extra money to boost wages

SWEATING IT OUT. Corruption seems to have become the hallmark of the government bureaucracy. Some employees would rather mulct than sweat it out to earn legit extra income. There’s one government man who sweats it out driving a habal-habal to earn honest extra money to bolster his income as stock clerk in a government office. He told an Ear informer: “Arang-arang man sweldo ko pero kuwang gyud oy. Ma’y gani kay duna koy motorsiklo, gihimo ko’g habal-habal. Nakatabang-tabang gyud tawon.”

ANOTHER ONE. There’s another government employee who supplements his salary by driving a taxi. What he earn as taxi driver he saves for the schooling of his two daughters who are still in the primary grades. He works as senior clerk in a government office.

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