Civilian questions why judges are encouraged to bear arms

NO EFFECT? Some people are now having second thoughts about the many health products being endorsed by a prominent and seemingly active TV personality after he suffered from a mild stroke. It’s already bad enough that his commercials are always followed by notices that read “No Approved Therapeutic Claims”. Now people really doubt they work at all. “Mora’g wa man to’y talab tanan iyang pills ug drinks,” a televiewer jokingly said.

WHY JUST THE JUDGES? After reading news that judges are encouraged to carry firearms for their own protection, an observer said everyone should be allowed to bear arms for their own protection. “Why just the judges? Why not all of us? What makes judges so special? Just because they decide cases? They have cars and they can afford to hire bodyguards. Mas in-danger pa na ang mga civilians who have to use public transport everyday and face the risk of being robbed,” he said. The observer also lauded judges who are not in favor of carrying firearms.

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