
What on earth does “#7&8!+EX@40etc.” mean?

That’s what happens when you abbreviate possible titles to two irritating news developments.

#7&8! Refers to the announcement of the MMDA that Senators and Congressmen will be allowed to continue enjoying their distinct and exclusive privilege of being exempted from the number coding system or vehicle reduction program of the MMDA.

EX@40 refers to the announcement that a certain airline will be retiring their employees particularly pilots and cabin crew at age 40. Putting both news items in one column creates the equivalent result of Donald Duck going on a verbal rampage!

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The decision or announcement of the MMDA to continue with the special exemption for cars marked number 7 or 8 leaves a very bad taste in the mouth considering the fact that the Land Transportation Office has yet to clarify or do something about their policy on the matter.

Readers might recall that the last two years have been filled with controversy over the fact that some members of congress actually had more than one set of #8 plate numbers, which they placed on several different cars.

There were even instances when #8 plate numbers were placed on vehicles used by their children, in-laws, or staff members. To make matters worse, #8 plate numbers were also extended or given to close friends or barkadas.

The MMDA decision to extend the very exclusive and special privilege of exemption from the “number coding system” is highly discriminatory and a slap on the face of ordinary Filipinos who being the “boss” of President Benigno Aquino must now watch members of Congress flaunt their position and privilege.

The MMDA chooses to be blind to reality in giving members of Congress exempted status from the number coding since they have numerous personal vehicles as well as official vehicles, which they can use alternately.

Unfortunately, the officials of the MMDA are apparently more concerned with political reality than following P-Noy’s declaration that the new administration will straighten out the crookedness and the crooks from the past.

After extending the privilege to congress, how will the MMDA counter requests for the same exemption coming from cabinet members, Judges and Justices? How can the MMDA now defend their plans of completely removing the “window-hours” that motorists use during “coding days”?

Did it ever occur to the MMDA that exemptions are the very beginning of abuse and misrepresentation that gave birth to commemorative plates and illegal “PNP” exemption stickers?

Exemptions gave birth to “MEDIA” and “Doctor on board” signs. Even delivery trucks have signs “Gov’t project do not delay, funeral cars had “wang-wangs and called themselves “AMBULANCE, and printing press vans have “PRESS” on their windshields.

The LTO has to straighten out the crooked policy of giving multiple sets of #7 & #8 car plates and recover similar plates from people who are no longer members of congress. The LTO must stamp a period of validity on such plates and it must indicate who is the representative using the plate # for purposes of accountability.

Unless the LTO and the MMDA can show their political will, they should refrain about talking of reforms and changes.

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EX@40 refers to the on-going mess at the airport where pilots and crew members of a major airline have walked away from their jobs after learning that the company would soon implement a policy of retiring employees at age 40.

At a time when jobs are hard to come by and at the risk of facing individual lawsuits, why would pilots and crewmembers choose to walk away?

If you were the woman, would you marry someone who tells you that he plans to stay with you only during the best years of your life and is only in it for the money? How would you react if all the person wants from you is a child?

Pilots are like professional athletes. They can stay in the game only as long as their bodies and their minds meet the strict regimen. Once their eyesight deteriorates, their BP or cholesterol start playing games they are almost certain to be put out to pasture.

As far as crewmembers go, being put out to pasture at 40 is equivalent to personal injury. We all tend to think that flying is exciting and great, but no one stops to realize that each time you fly, there is a very real risk that you could be in a crash.

That’s the reason why some people still do the sign of the cross before take off, and why I always send an “I love you and Hannah” text message to my wife Karen every time I have to fly out for an event or speaking engagement.

Consider also the reality that cabin crews are glorified attendants who often have to work or travel at ungodly hours, cross international borders, dates and times in a matter of days. They are often away from family and loved ones, subject to stress, emotional dislocation, temptation or jealousy.

At the end of the day, all this has to matter. Yes I understand that companies and businessmen today have to survive the cut- throat competition as well as deal with years of financial disruption.

However people are not sharks that you catch, cut their fins for soup and then throw back in the sea. After 40, starting all over is the equivalent of being thrown back finless and helpless.

There is a big difference between cutting costs and cutting throats; it is also difficult to expect people to honor their commitments if we do not honor their service and their sacrifice.

Rather than cut each other down, it’s about time to find a different answer, a collective solution and not an actuarial equation. In a generation where they say “life begins at 40” or “50 is today’s 40” decisions based on numbers rather than vision and commitment lacks wisdom.

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