Pacquiao's endorser

My friend and media colleague Ben Ypil stumbled on this line in Boo Chanco’s column in Phil Star: “Manny Pacquiao won his quest for a congressional seat in Sarangani. He was endorsed by Iglesia ni Krista.” Hehe.

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Many Liberal Party bigwigs had upset stomach after knowing that Mar Roxas got beat up by Jojo Binay in the early returns.

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Before the last elections, bright boys belonging to an elite club gathered in their clubhouse and argued over bottles of firewater about what’s gonna happen last May 10. There was no meeting of minds among the bright boys.

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That’s what happens when wine or alcohol rules the discussion. Samuel Johnson once said: “one of the disadvantages of wine is that it makes a man mistake words for thoughts.”

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Someone was heard thanking the Lord for making Noynoy win. “Had Noynoy lost,” she said. “Erap would’ve wrapped up the presidency.”

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Until now many are still complaining about the trouble they’ve gone through during RP’s first ever automated elections. But read this e-mail I got from Paolo Molliere in faraway Iceland. He’s married to a Filipina.

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”I read in the Net about your maiden computerized election ... and the many complaints arising from the so-called birth pangs of the new system ... The glitches reported in Philippine newspapers are to be accepted as part of modernization,” Mr. Molliere said.

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 “Problems like those always come with new beginnings. If you stop now because of those initial problems, you’ll get nowhere ... Your government should be congratulated for its decision to modernize. I am married to a Filipina teacher and I’m proud that my country-by-choice has outpaced other Asian countries...”

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I would like to thank Sir Paolo Molliere for his e-mail message, especially the good words about RP.

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I looked up in my desk encyclopedia to find out where exactly is Iceland and I found out that it’s in the Artic Circle and it’s not all ice.

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