Stickers and baller bands of presidentiable for sale?

FROM A SUPPORTER. The Ear heard that some headquarters of this presidentiable is making money out of his stickers and baller bands. This supporter said, “We’re for __, but some headquarters are selling the campaign materials, especially the stickers and the baller bands. Ginegosyo man. Mao ni kapait. Ang nidagan dili kurakot pero ang nagpalibot niya kurakot. Dili problema ang nidagan kung di ang atong batasan.”

EXPLANATION. When a journalist relayed the complaint to a supporter of this presidentiable, his explanation was the possibility that some headquarters order these stickers and baller bands and pay for them out of their own pockets. They then sell them to the public but the profit still goes to help fund the campaign of this presidentiable. The question is, is there proper accounting of the sale of these campaign materials or are some people just in it for profit?

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