Booming flesh trade in Cebu

OUT OF THE DARK. Readers reacted to the Ear article “Cebu has become a sex destination”. Many agreed that indeed, the flesh trade in Cebu has become a lucrative business. One reader, a female college student said that what used to be a business best kept in the dark have come out in the open, with transactions done in malls and hotels. She said, “Mosuroy ka sa mall, makakita ka aning mga pokpok nga maggakos anang mga tiguwang nga foreigners. Luod kaayo tan-awon.”

ATTENTION CITY GOV’T OFFICIALS. Another reader is asking why the government has not acted upon this glaring problem. He said that the flesh trade is already done out in the open yet the government has not done anything. He said that prostitution is rampant along Gen. Maxilom Ave., D. Jakosalem St., and Colon St. “Lantaran man kaayo na ang palitay sa unod diha. Magrampa pa man gani ang mga babaye, bisan kinsa makakita. Gi-tolerate ra ni sa gobyerno.”

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