Eat more pork for better sex?

The headline says: “Eat More Pork for Better Sex.” The hayblad never mind?

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Who said it? Cristina Fernandez said it. Cristina who? Cristina, the President of Argentina.

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Madam President said it before a group of men attending the meeting of swine industry moguls in Buenos Aires. She said pork is better than Viagra.

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Take it from Madam Cristina. She said she has personally proven it. And her husband was near her when she made the claim.

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Wasn’t the lady President just joking? Maybe she was just trying to humor the swine industry people. But she landed on the banner headlines of the news media in Buenos Aires.

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Some national leaders, taking Madam Cristina’s word for it, are now planning to launch a pro-pork campaign. One of them was quoted as saying: “Down with red meat, le’ts have more pork on the table.”

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This is another boost to Cebu’s lechon industry. The first boost came when Time magazine called Cebu’s lechon the best in the world. Our lechoneros should take advantage of these international boosts to their trade. “Sure, they have,” said a friend. “They have boosted their prices at will.”

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It says here that the PNP chief “wants no repeat of the Maguindanao massacre.” Hehehe! Who doesn’t want?

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Presidential forums are held now and then in many places. I have a kumpadre who gets dismayed if Erap doesn’t show up. “He’s the life of the forum,” he says. “He keeps everyone awake with his rib-tickling replies to the questions asked.”

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Without meaning to, Erap keeps forum audiences in stitches with his traditional way of speaking before people, especially the so-called masa. “When his turn at bat comes,” observes my kumpadre, “Erap makes the audience laugh the moment his takes hold of the microphone.”

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Erap says the masa has not abandoned him. It’s still supporting him. The slogan “Erap para sa mahirap” still stands. It hasn’t been changed to: “Erap para maghirap.”

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