Drunk man chickens out of plan to kill self

EAGER HELPER. An Ear source advises transient students to be wary of their housemates.He said he once shared a boarding house with several Maritime students of a local university. One night he saw three of them preparing wicks of tissue in one room. When he asked what they were doing, two of them laughed and said they were preparing it for a “school project.” Being good-natured and neighborly, he offered his help and the two gave him pieces of tissue paper to rolls into wicks. One of the Maritime students kept telling the other two to leave him out of what they were doing but the other two just laughed. The source said years later, he realized he was helping prepare wicks to be used to sniff shabu. Thankfully none of the three students ever offered him the drug and never made trouble while he lived in that house.

 “SUICIDE” TRY. One night a drunken man came home and was heard shouting that he was tired of this life and he would hang himself, going as far as to grab a rope and throw part of it up a tree. His wife and daughter, who had received nothing but misery from him and his mistress these past few months, went outside to watch him, even egging him to go on and get it over with. The sight of the two apparently sobered and shamed the man who finally let go of the rope and returned to his room to sleep. The daughter would later tell an Ear source she wished her father had killed himself so they can all have peace.

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