EDITORIAL - Terrorists will win against rest of normal world

Photos of Dino Amor Pareja, alias Khalil Pareja, a ranking leader of the Rajah Solaiman Movement with links to al-Qaeda, show a rabid and unrepentant terrorist, with eyes glaring with unbridled hate.

Pareja, wanted by both American and Philippine authorities, headed the group responsible for the 2004 ferry bombing that killed 116 people, the worst terrorist attack ever staged within the Philippines.

Looking at him, it would not be surprising if people tend to feel a sudden surge of anger within them. He has that kind of cocky demeanor that could drive people to want to resort to physical violence against him.

Yet, the rest of the normal world are responsible for creating such kind of animal. The rest of the normal world, struggling hard to continue living the lie of being civilized, try immensely to restrain their urge to hit back, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

Such hypocrisy is tilting the balance of the one great conflict the rest of the normal world refuse to acknowledge and see in favor of the terrorists. As the rest of the normal world hold back, the terrorists take advantage of the hesitation and strike again and again.

Just look at how the rest of the normal world treated that godforsaken Lockerbie bomber --- they freed him on humanitarian grounds, for God's sake. Humanitarian grounds for a terrorist who felt no compunction in sending hundreds of innocent people to their fiery deaths?

The rest of the normal world is giving up everything on a silver platter to the terrorists because they continue to believe that the terrorists are acting alone and are not agents and forerunners of a larger wave bent on global domination when in fact they are.

There is much to understand just by looking into the eyes of Pareja. The rest of the normal world have done him no wrong. The rest of the normal world owe him nothing. Yet he stares back at them with a hatred you know cannot be quashed until he dominates completely.

By civil pretense and complacency, the rest of the normal world are creating ever larger numbers of Parejas and Lockerbie bombers, blissfully unaware of the day when they wake up to find the view completely changed outside the window.

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