What happened to the drive against drivers not giving fare discount?

Fare discounts. The president of a students organization wants this question to be answered: “The LTFRB has vowed to go after drivers of passenger vehicles who refuse to honor the law granting discounts to senior citizens and students. How far has it gone in fulfilling its promise?” The student said he actually saw on old woman PUJ passenger who got insulted by the conductor for paying the discounted fare. “Ako mismo, giinsultohan sab sa nagkamuritsing konduktor dihang misuway ko’g bayad sa discounted fare,” the student said.

Fistfight. Not long ago, a student engaged a PUJ driver in a fistfight over the student’s fare discount which the student insisted to have. According to a report, the police arrested the student and let the driver go scot-free. The good news is, this incident happened in Metro Manila.

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