EDITORIAL - Kho must be strippedof his medical license

Many things have emerged right on the first day last Thursday of the explosive Senate hearing on the Hayden Kho-Katrina Halili sex scandal, but most of them will have to wait out for further hearings before they can be resolved and acted upon.

But if there is one thing that can be done right away, it is for the proper government authorities such as the Professional Regulation Commission to immediately revoke the license of Kho to practice as a physician.

Under oath during the initial hearing, Kho admitted in the presence of his lawyers that he is undergoing therapy and rehabilitation, conditions that render him unfit to practice his profession.

He also admitted having used the sexual stimulant Ecstasy, a regulated drug, although he claimed it was Halili who introduced him to the substance, a claim rendered preposterous and incredible by the fact that, as a doctor, he needs no introduction to drugs.

But just in case the PRC would hem and haw the way most government agencies do when confronted by controversial issues too hot to handle, then maybe the Philippine Medical Association, to which all doctors belong, should initiate the action by prodding the PRC.

While it is understandable for practitioners belonging to the same profession to close ranks behind a beleaguered colleague, this particular case needs to be exempted from the usual fraternal bondings.

There is more to this case that a simple violation of professional ethics or incapacity to practice the profession. But since the other issues need to be resolved in their proper time then maybe the immediately actionable things can quickly be acted upon and set aside.

In this way, all the clutter can be minimized and a better appreciation of the entire picture can be had. In the meantime, a clear danger to society can at least be eliminated from the position where he can do more harm.

Let everyone concerned not dilly-dally over matters of deference and professional courtesy. By his own actions and by his own words, Kho has already told the whole world why he is not fit anymore to practice his medical profession. Strip him of his license now.

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