The Council of Gaya-gaya

It seems that President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo may be sensitive to being called a “Lame Duck” President and she is out to show the world that she is “actively” engaged in governance.

In case you haven’t noticed, President Arroyo has systematically taken over positions or powers of “mythical” proportions. A few weeks ago she announced that she is in-charge of all government activities in the battle against illegal drugs. Soon after that, she also declared that she would spearhead all government efforts aimed at reversing or contributing to the fight against global warming. The announcement was received with a monumental “HO-HUM!”

Next was the announcement of a reshuffle or reassignment in the cabinet. We may as well call it a “posthumous cabinet revamp” since any revamp now will hardly make any dents in terms of raising public confidence in an administration that has squandered its moral goodwill, integrity and corrupted most standards of professionalism.

Ironically, the President’s actions have started to look really lame. Every time her Brats in the cabinet start quarreling she steps in and takes over their throne. This was the case with the DOJ VS PDEA as well as the boys involved with the global warming initiative.

Over the weekend, the President has gone from former Economics Professor to Economics Rehabilitation Therapist aided by the two teacher’s pets namely: Secretary Peter Favila and SSS Administrator Romulo Neri.

The Council of “Gaya-gaya” is now boldly and brazenly copying the concept of the economic stimulus package of the United States. Unfortunately, like bad copies of a “pirated DVD” the local version has reaped contempt, ridicule and suspicion.

Original vs pirated….

The original US version of the “economic stimulus package” is the US Government’s response to an existing situation, a real threat to the US economy and its citizens and has identifiable parties or industries that require rescue, rehabilitation or intervention. More importantly the package provides for repayment by actual beneficiaries or partakers of the package.

The “economic stimulus package” was also crafted and agreed upon by Bi-partisan legislation void of suspicion and insulated from fraud or criminal use for election purposes or theft by government officials or politicians.

 The pirated Philippine version of the economic stimulus package started with the money before the problem. We have all been told that the package will be a total P100 billion that will be used to pump prime the economy by building more infrastructure which they presume will create jobs, stimulate business growth and encourage investments.

Still to be written are the specific projects such as roads, bridges etc, where these will be done and why they were included in relation to their potential to contribute to stimulate the over all economy of the country.

Coming on the heels of the World Bank announcement of blacklisted Filipino contractors and combined with our ranking as one of the most corrupt countries in the region and an upcoming national election of epic proportions where government funds are always suspected of being used for campaign purposes, it should be understandable why people are not buying this latest “pirated version” being sold by “the merchants along the Pasig River”.

Instead of focusing on the money or how to get it, President Arroyo and her pets should have promoted and presented the “business plan” to the public. If her people at her public information bureau and her cabinet went out and explained what is about to happen with the economy because of global loss of confidence and consumer fear, maybe ordinary citizens would know better.

Leaders in government as well as politics should once and for all stop treating Filipinos like idiots who can’t appreciate information about programs and business plans. We can cope with the presentation if this is kept plain and simple and with truth. It is when government attempts to steal or deceive, that things get complicated.

Then the people would realize that the government is the single biggest organization, which can undertake projects that would keep the economy rolling. Infrastructure would add to the efficient movement of people, goods and services and increase the values of real estate as well as products. In other words there is nothing wrong with “pump priming” based on a well- studied plan and not the musings of a headless chicken.

Given the global loss of confidence in investments and financial management, it is also difficult for Government Financial Institutions such as the SSS to find safe and productive placements abroad to invest their trust funds, so lending the money to the government gives double returns for the country and the members.

Do an Obama!

Even before wasting money on the plan, President Arroyo as well as Congress should review all existing government policies, rules and guidelines covering Labor, Manufacturing, licensing, taxation, as well as offices like the NLRC and BOI.

No economic stimulus package will work if legal and procedural obstacles are in place designed to create monopolies and cartels. Entrepreneurship in the Philippines has been slaughtered by Big Business or rich families who lobby and influence laws and procedures of the SEC, the DTI, The DENR, the DOTC etc.

We use to have so many small shops and businesses that built jeeps, AUVs etc. They are all gone because lobbyists influenced policies of government agencies to kill them. Big business succeeded in injecting requirements for cash capitals and bonds so large that the “small fish” simply closed shop. Even good ideas such as environmental controls have become tools of repressing small entrepreneurs who can’t afford the big costs of having an environmental impact study and getting a permit.

I once offered to rebuild a dilapidated toilet for the Air Transport Office located on Yulo King Ranch in Palawan because female visitors found it so revolting. Instead of jumping for joy the people told me that I had to write a request to the ATO office in Manila!

In the end our problem is not about spending money and stimulating business. Our problem is getting rid of criminal business people who are willing to stunt our national growth as long as they monopolize or control the markets. They don’t speak Italian or Chinese but they certainly meet the requirements of the MAFIA !

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