The MILF's kid soldiers

There's so much fuss over the word "insertion" in the Senate. Why don't they withdraw what has been inserted?

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The "insertion" here refers to the alleged double entry of P200 million for a road project in the national budget. It doesn't refer to anything else.

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This wellness article here says: "Many people have discovered that Madre de Cacao can cure many illnesses." This is a plant, not a nun.

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The MILF is said to be training and fielding children guerillas to fight government soldiers in Mindanao. The kids wield real guns, not toy guns.

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If these kid combatants are killed in battle, where they may have also killed AFP soldiers, the parents of the kids and the Moro community could rise in anger and take the government to task for its "unconcern" for and/or "cruelty" to the children.

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Then you can expect those so-called militant or cause-oriented groups to ride on the issue as they often do in many cases where the government appears to be on the spot.

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Email from Nanding Galeos, an Oponganon turned Californian: "I read your column on Vice Presidents (TF, Sept. 19)... Let me add something. One known US politician once called the Vice President 'His Most Superfluous Highness' and another, a senator, said Veeps are 'a little more than stowaways on the ship of state.'"

Thanks, Mr. Galeos. Yes, Sir, I remember you. No, our editorial office is no longer under that kulo tree on Manalili (now V. Gullas) St. We are now working in a brand new three-storey building on D. Jakosalem St. It was constructed by the Philippine Star in whose group of publications TF and its sister tabloid Banat News belong. Do keep reading TF online --

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I've just discovered one late-night show on QTV channel that's worth watching. It's the "Legal Forum" hosted by lady lawyer Joji Alonso. As its title suggests, the show is about legal matters. But the topics discussed are of interest to televiewers even if they are not lawyers. And the discussion is done in a manner that the average layman could easily understand. Very informative, very educational, very entertaining, this late-night (make that early dawn) tv show.

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BOBIT SAYS: "Love has the power to change everything in our lives. It can drive away every fear, remove every worry and heal every wound."

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