Polvoron philosophy

I love polvoron. That may sound like a sweeping, almost one-dimensional statement, but there’s just no better way to describe my fondness for this delightful treat. Although extremely simple in appearance (and seemingly simple to make), there’s just something about polvoron that makes it stand out even among the most sophisticated desserts and pastries. At the risk of sounding pseudo-zen, it has transcended being a “comfort food” for me. Eating polvoron (as I am now, obviously) takes me to a better time and place. It reminds me of my childhood, makes me reminisce about significant events in my life, and causes me to reflect on the future. The funny thing is, while most foreigners will find this last sentence absurd, countless Filipinos will surely relate to my sentiment. “It’s just powder candy,” the uninitiated might say. But to a Pinoy, polvoron is so much more than that. 

In almost every occasion — from the happiest to the saddest — the lowly yet eminent polvoron is most likely present. After mothers give birth, these wonderful wrapped specialties are cheerfully passed around to visitors and well-wishers in the hospital room. During parties and celebrations, the polvoron is usually the first to go. Even at a wake, where the atmosphere remains respectful and subdued, polvoron is shared to celebrate a true homecoming among mourners and the bereaved family. Talk about a real cradle-to-the-grave connection!

Now pause for a moment and think how many times you have been responsible for sending polvoron abroad. Truly, this little gift has crisscrossed the ocean too many times to count. It’s such a Pinoy trait, isn’t it? When visiting relatives overseas, one of the first things they ask is “Uy, magdala ka naman ng maraming polvoron”. There are actually variations of this dessert available in other countries, but of course, nothing beats our own homegrown variety. I don’t think I’ll be replacing Kris Aquino as their endorser anytime soon, but Goldilocks polvoron is definitely the standard by which all else are measured. From personal experience, its certainly the most requested brand, and its easy to see why. Filipinos grew up eating Goldilocks polvoron, and although many have tried to copy their recipe, there’s just something inimitable and outstanding about it. For our loved ones in faraway places, it’s an endearing taste and reminder of home. 

One friend related how it was the quintessential touch to such a perfect moment in New York City. The pinnacle experience of three Filipinos meeting up for an impromptu picnic right on the big green of the world famous Central Park, was highlighted when someone unwrapped the familiar blue and yellow box of Goldilocks. The scrumptious polvoron inside was generously shared, as the twilight of a quaint Manhattan afternoon gently arrived. There’s no denying polvoron’s international standing and subtle understanding especially among Pinoys no matter where they find themselves.

Inevitably, this polvoron-induced introspection makes me think about the present situation our country is in. Here in our backyard, we continue to live in very interesting times. We have factions among us clamoring for the truth in whatever shape or form regardless of source. It feels like the destiny of our country continues to be ground up and challenged by allegations of corruption and unmoderated greed. Our citizens scratch their heads and wonder if they’ll survive the fallout.

On this poignant note, we again question if we are truly that self-destructive. Do we continually allow ourselves to spin recklessly out of control into the abyss? Is this because of leaders whom we have supported, blindly or with eyes wide open? I’d like to think not.  We are the small, unassuming polvoron that is so much more than the sum of its parts.

We may feel like our institutions are crumbling because we remain riveted by the ongoing political crisis. Things are stirring us around and we have no idea how this can all be finally resolved cordially and peacefully. Believe me, there is a right moment for the dalliance to cease.

Before we know it, we are slowly but surely molded into the ideal citizens we long to be. The next generation need not cry out in the streets for the truth because it is already a matter of fact in their reality. Government transactions will not be put in a suspicious light because public service will definitely remain a public trust. Institutions retain the honor they richly deserve because best practices are in place.

This aspiration does not need to remain just that. We can all do our part to help put the pieces together. The strength of a democracy banks on the common good passionately supported by the majority.  And the minority assists by providing agreeable checks and balances.

Just like the recipe for polvoron, as we are shaken and stirred, the final mold promises sweetness without compromise. We may be a fractured society surviving on 7,100 or so islands, but we are bonded together by our heritage and our love for this land. No matter what challenges may daunt us, we have each other and that is enough.

In the midst of this all, we will still have the sumptuous polvoron to munch on (Thanks again, Goldilocks!). For the Americans, they aspire for the proverbial cherry on top. In our local lingo, it’s the polvoron that introduces a smile to our lips. It brings thoughtfulness, a sentimental emotion, and a happy conclusion. 

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My e-mail: dominimt2000@yahoo.com

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