Insane act by a supposedly sane person

PSYCHOPATH BEATEN UP. A mentally ill woman in her late teens happened to stray into a churchyard where she was found by her mother who had been searching for her for hours. An Ear informer said the mother, using a bamboo stick, beat up the insane daughter as she drove her out of the churchyard. “Sige buanga ka, pauli. Pakauwaw ka lang,” our informer quoted the angry mother as shouting. The bamboo stick landed on many parts of the insane woman’s body including her head. “Pero ang buang wa gyud mohilak ug wa gyud mikaratel og dagan,” our source said. Some people tried to intervene but the mother said: “Iapil ta nya mog bunal niining kawayan.”

CRUELTY TO KIDS. Despite the law in defense of the rights of children, cruelty to kids continues even in the hands of their parents. Not long ago a l2-year-old boy was tied to a tree trunk after he was beaten up by his own father. And then we see boys not yet in their teens carrying heavy loads at the public markets, especially Carbon, to earn a living. “Kinsa may gapatuman ning ilang gitawag nga Child Protection Law? Duna na bay nakombikto ini?” This question was asked by a father who had been awarded the “Most Outstanding Father” in a city in Metro Manila.

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