Letter to the Editor — Rules that govern the conduct of men

A large part of the problems that beset our nation is the utter lack of respect for the laws that govern us. A nation of laws and not of men, a wise man''s adage that many of us who love our country treasure deep in our psyche.

My suit for the disqualification and the revocation of Jonkie Ouano''s certificate of candidacy as Mayor of Mandaue City conforms with my premise that there are rules and regulations that govern the conduct of men. Especially those aspiring for government positions. Jonas faithfully followed those rules when he filed his certificate of candidacy for Mayor of Mandaue City. Jonkie, on the other hand, made shortcuts in his.

It amazes me that the Ouano family and their representations, with all their extensive resources, could miss such a crucial and important matter. Unless, there is a fundamental lack of respect for the rules and regulations that govern such matters, or any other matter. A disturbing cascade of shenanigans that, over the years, display an utter contempt for the law, that is the legacy encumbered on Mandaue - a mindset that spews disdain on the ruled.

The Ouano wealth is legend. The Cortes family is not rich and the threat of "pabahaan ang Mandaue og kwarta" by the Ouanos forces our hand to confront this very real threat with all available recourse, including the juridical.

Should our suit find merit, then all this will be their undoing and then I shall feel confident that maybe not all is lost for the rule of law in our country.
(Sgd.) Zoilo M. Cortes

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