Travelers in Mindanao fear Cebu's pier thugs

RISKY AREA. The waterfront area, especially near where Pier 4 is situated, is a dangerous place to be in. This according to a traveler who had been victimized by a snatcher and later by an armed robber upon his arrival from his business trips in Mindanao.

"Kuyaw kaayonang lugara," he told The Ear, "hastang mga drayber sa trisikad mga tigas, mamugos pasakay sa ilang trisikad unya panilngan tag mahal kaayo. Kon di ta mosugot hadlokon ta."

UNFRIENDLY PLACE. According to the same traveler there are many people in Mindanao who want to come to Cebu just for a visit but are afraid to come by boat because of what they've heard about the thugs in Cebu's waterfront area.

"Daghan kog amigo nga gusto unta moanhi pero nahadlok tungod sa mga estorya nga daghang maldito diha sa pantalan," the traveler said, "nahimo tang unfriendly place."

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