EDITORIAL - Wrong people, wrong system

A group calling on President Arroyo to resign slammed proposals for charter change saying there is nothing wrong with the system, only the leadership. What? Come again? There is nothing wrong with the system? The group must have come from some other planet because long before jueteng and "Hello Garci" became issues against the president, our system of government, with all its red tape, corruption and other irregularities, has been the subject of criticisms from all sectors. Let's face it. We put the wrong people into a system that does not work for our country.

If there was nothing wrong with our government system, then why is it that there is corruption from all levels? Why is there so much red tape? Why is there nepotism? Why are there so many laws that are not being implemented? Why are people who do not know anything about government elected into office? The litany of whys can go on and on to prove that there is indeed something wrong, not only with the people in government, but also the system that these people are working in.

A government system that works would have mechanisms for check and balance so people in government will think twice in committing irregularities. It would have mechanisms wherein those who commit irregularities will be dealt with by the law. A system that works would not allow political dynasties and all other practices that are being done by our politicians.

Our country's political problems have been the same over the years. Nothing has changed no matter who is in power. History will tell us that this is the reality when it comes to politics and government in the Philippines. The names and faces of those holding government positions have changed but the irregularities committed are still the same. A consolation though is that good leaders surface once in a while.

We do not claim to be experts in political systems. We are not advocates of charter change either. We just want to drive a point that we just cannot entirely blame the president for everything that the country is experiencing. If she or her relatives are corrupt, if there are government officials who are corrupt, then they were allowed to be so by our system of government.

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