They’re talking of revolution ( 2 )

Click here to read Part I

Modes of transformative action Social Threefolding. Acknowledging the complexity of the problems we seek to solve, it is clear that no single social institution can carry out the task of comprehensive sustainable development. Therefore the new revolution will encourage, where appropriate, the debate, dialogue and/or partnership between government, business, and civil society, the three key institutions of social life active in politics, economics and culture.

Creation of autonomous cultural, political and economic movements. Government’s power to direct and compel, business’ power to produce and create, and civil society’s power to conscienticize and mobilize for causes, are indispensable instruments for social transformation. Each one influences the substantive directions of the two others. To shift the on-going, often conflicted process of dialogue towards a healthier direction, our movement will undertake the parallel development and operation of organized, autonomous but interactive streams of cultural, political and economic action - with all sharing the concerns, commitment and principles of our new revolution.

Best practices. We will identify, support, and mainstream best practices that exemplify our principles. We know that there are hundreds of good practices and successful stories out there ready to be recognized and mobilized to achieve the best that we can for our country.

Drive for outcomes tempered by respect for process. In our struggle for personal and social change, outcomes in terms of material advancement and social-spiritual consciousness matter. We seek to secure for ourselves tangible results in terms of better infrastructure, sustained investments, more well-paying secure jobs, higher production of better quality goods at lower prices, lower crime, among other practical needs and legitimate wants. We also seek to secure intangible but no less real benefits like self-respect, dignity, sense of purpose, hope and optimism in the future, among other human yearnings. But, however valuable the ends, they never justify the means. We believe that lying, cheating, defrauding, extorting, bribing, torturing, salvaging, stealing, among other means, are unacceptable regardless of the outcomes they might secure. We believe that fairness, transparency, communication, persuasion, negotiation, legal action, and open peaceful disagreement or conflict, among other acceptable methods, should be the only means used to pursue our ends.

Cooperation whenever possible, conflict when necessary. Peace, unity, harmony and cooperation are natural states we seek as these make material advancement and social-spiritual consciousness more easily attainable. In all spheres of our struggle for change, we will seek first the sources of unity and cooperation, rather than the causes of disagreement and conflict.

Communications. We shall transform ourselves, our social relations with each other and our key institutions by communicating ideas and images capable of moving the electorate to choose better leaders and support enlightened policies; by communicating knowledge and information that will mobilize the productive sectors towards greater productivity and social solidarity; by communicating attitudes and perspectives that can open minds, change beliefs, alter perceptions and influence behavior as part of living culture.

Renewing the Philippines

We are the Pagbabago Movement. Our name says who we are. Pagbabago- renewal, rebirth, regeneration.

Ours is an activist path of inner transformation and sacrifice, placing our talents and capacities in the service of the Divine, our fellow human beings, society and nature, to finally realize the Philippines of our dreams.

We will succeed despite all obstacles for our spirit cannot be broken. We will succeed because we have prepared well for this moment. We will succeed because we know there are millions of other Filipinos who share our frustrations at the festering social decay of our country. We will succeed because we know that these millions believe with us that there are ways out of the darkness of decline towards the bright light, the liwanag, of a new and better Philippines.

These millions were out with us in the streets all over the country, risking their lives during many recent mass manifestations of our nation’s unquenched desire to obtain the outstanding promise of our revolutions. These millions realize that the current circus and gross superficiality and violence of Philippine politics and the bankruptcy of many of the social institutions of the country will never embody the broadness of spirit and the social ideals that they bring. These millions yearn for a new all-encompassing social movement that would create new inner and social arrangements that truly embody the spirit that they bring and the ideals they hold for a new Philippines.

They will therefore arise in great numbers the moment they sense that a new wind is blowing and that a new social order is about to be born. And, then, they will come and they will participate with commitment and passion to join the new revolution that is destined to radically transform the old, decaying social order. Then they will end the long litany of failures that have plagued the history of our nation for they will bring to a successful completion the unfinished revolution that our country deserves.

Matauhan na tayo!
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Catch: Linawin Natin, Mondays at 11:30 p.m., on IBC-13.
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