Is your sign lucky in the Year of the Wooden Sheep?

MANILA, Philippines - Unlike the aggressive 2014 that was the Year of the Wooden Horse, 2015 or the Year of the Wooden Sheep will bring balance, calmness and prosperity to many, a feng shui expert said.

Master Hanz Cua, considered as Asia's youngest feng shui expert, said the balance of the five elements - Wood, Water, Metal, Fire and Earth - and the balance of the yin and yang this year bring cooperation

"The sheep is characterized as a docile, calm animal. This brings in cooperation, peace among nations," Cua said in his yearly forecast, a video of which was uploaded to his website.

"This signifies a year of prosperity and a year of good luck and and a year of opportunities to everyone," he added.

But Cua also cautioned that the balance of the five elements signifies that people tend to be more relaxed.

"The drive within ourselves is weaker so we need to be more aggressive we need to have extra effort in order to achieve success," he said.

For the Year of the Wooden Sheep, the lucky color will be green, which will be very good in bringing luck in business.

"Wearing green, painting your office green or using green bags or using green color elements would enhance money and wealth luck to you," Cua said.

Here are Master Hanz Cua's feng shui forecast and advice for each Chinese zodiac sign:

Year of the Rat

Cua said 2015 brings in prosperity, money and wealth gain, opportunities in career and in money to those born in the Year of the Rat. Wealth star for these people is very good.
Wealth: Money will come easily and there will be opportunities for sidelines.
Career: Not a good year. Cua advises not to switch jobs. Keep a low profile at work and avoid conflicts with your boss.
Love: singles will have difficulties in looking for a partner. Married couples will have third party issues.
Health: Avoid drinking and drive carefully.

Year of the Ox

The Year of the Ox is in direct conflict with the Year of the Sheep. Cua said 2015 will be a challenging year for the ox.
Wealth: There is a positive wealth star but overspending should be avoided
Career: Cua warns against miscommunication with bosses and clients and advises to have longer patience. It will not be okay to open new a business and switch jobs this year.
Love: Poor romance luck; married couples will need more understanding in their relationships
Health: Physical exam is needed at the start of the year; medical treatments should not be delayed, proper diet and exercise

Year of the Tiger

Cua said 2015 will be a very good year for the Tiger's career and personal happiness. The Tiger may find success in everything he or she does.
Wealth: Very good wealth luck and strong windfall luck; learn to invest your money
Career: Will have strong support from bosses
Love: Single Tigers will have love life while married couples will have blissful time
Health: Not so strong as Tigers will feel more tired. They may have weak immune system but they will find a good doctor

Year of the Rabbit

Cua said the noble man and the supportive star is in the chart of those born in the Year of the Rabbit. This helps in achieving success. Since they are friends, the Sheep will bring indirect spirit to the Rabbit, shielding and helping it overcome challenges
Wealth: A prosperous year with improvements in money bank, salary increase, hitting quota and bonuses. Investing in property and stock is lucky.
Career: Rabbits will have good interpersonal relationships with co-workers but they need to socialize more
Love: Cua advises to be careful with what you say and be more sensitive
Health: Not so strong luck; avoid risky sports

Year of the Dragon

This year will bring powerful luck to the Dragon since the favorable star lies in its chart. Cua sees prosperity, continuous career growth, fame and recognition. But Dragons also need to do more good deeds, to pray and to go to church to enhance luck.
Wealth: Salary increase, bonus and improved wealth luck
Career: Opportunity to have a better job. Confidence is needed in dealing with work
Love: strong luck; easily resolved disputes
Health: good year, no major issue

Year of the Snake

Cua said those born in the Year of the Snake will be ready for action as they will be rich in opportunities and career prospects. Still, they need to focus on one thing at a time. This will be a good year for taking an exam, getting insurance and investing in properties.
Wealth: Good year to have a long-term investment
Career: Promotional luck; helpful people coming to your way
Love: Not a good year; will have short-term romance only
Health: not a good year. There will be too much work and one should learn to relax. Snakes will be prone to injuries and accidents, particularly road-related.

Year of the Horse

As the best friend of the Sheep, the Horse will have partnership and collaboration in business and career, Cua said. As such, the Horse needs to learn how to work in a team.
Wealth: weak wealth luck; will have financial losses, particularly during the last part of the year. Prone to be cheated
Career: co-workers will lend a helping hand
Love: Strong love luck; good year to get married; singles will have partners
Health: Minor problems seen and medical treatment should be sought early. Those with the Horse sign can easily recover from any illness, Cua said.

Year of the Sheep

Those born in the Year of the Sheep are in direct conflict with the god of the year. Cua said last year was a much better year than 2015 because the lucky star is not the chart of the sheep. Cua said the Sheep should avoid arguments, be humble and be careful on trusting people
Wealth: Moderate wealthluck; needs to save money and have extra work effort
Career: Avoid conflct with the boss
Love: Not a good for singles and they need to have extra effort. Married couples will be prone to misunderstanding.
Health: Have full medical checkup. Learn to relax, go abroad to distress.

Year of the Monkey

Cua said 2015 will be a smooth-sailing year with support from helpful friends. This year will give big leap and success in business. Importation of products abroad is lucky, according to Cua.
Wealth: Average luck; avoid risky business and short-term investments
Career: Promising year; will gain support from opposite sex
Love: strong love luck
Health: More sleep and rest needed

Year of the Rooster

It will not be a good 2015 for the Rooster as luck is gloomy this year. Cua sees lawsuits and unexpected problems for the Rooster, which will prayers to enhance luck.
Wealth: Poor luck; keep low-profile
Career: Plan and strategize to overcome problems
Love: Weak luck; take extra effort. For married couples, spend more time together
Health: Avoid aggressive activity, prone to accidents and injuries

Year of the Dog

Cua is advising those with the Dog sign to use public relation skills to attract helpful friends. He also sees strong fame and recognition luck for those born in the Year of the Dog.
Wealth: Excellent year; watch out for opportunities and avoid being impulsive
Career: Beware of backstabbers, jealousy at work and gossips
Love: Married couples will be prone to have third party involvement. Singles May find their partner
Health: Not a good year, susceptible to illnesses

Year of the Boar

Those with the Boar sign will have a strong business partnership luck this year. Boars need to socialize more while prayers and going to church activates their indirect spirit and enhance their wealth luck.
Wealth: very strong and very profitable year
Career: There will be gossips and backstabbers but help at work will also be there
Love: Harmonious and happy relationship this year
Health: Boars should tone down, lose weight and have low impact exercise. Avoid aggressive contact sports.

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