Bb. Pilipinas-Universe is PETA’s sexiest vegetarian celebrity

MJ Lastimosa

MANILA, Philippines - Reigning Miss Universe Philippines Mary Jean Lastimosa has won another title – People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Philippines’ 2014 Sexiest Vegetarian Celebrity.

The 26-year-old Lastimosa bested other contenders including musician Geneva Cruz, models Sandra Seifert and Amanda Griffin Jacob, actress Chin-Chin Gutierrez and Maricel Laxa-Pangilinan.

Lastimosa is a fitness advocate and owns a fitness/spa center in Davao. She is from North Cotabato and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Mindanao.

“There’s no easier way to put passion in your life than by putting compassion in your diet,” said PETA Asia vice president Jason Baker.

“MJ knows that going vegetarian is the best thing that you can do for animals, the earth and your health. Plus, she’s living proof that being vegetarian helps keep you slim and sexy,” Baker said.

The contest coincided with World Vegan Month, which is celebrated every November. The Sexiest Vegetarian Celebrity contest ended last Nov. 25.                           

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