Outgoing AFP chief thanks ‘Paquito Diaz’

MANILA, Philippines - A slip of the tongue lent an amusing – or embarrassing – tone to an otherwise somber farewell speech of retiring Armed Forces chief Gen. Jessie Dellosa, when he acknowledged the presence of “Paquito Diaz” in the audience.

He tapped his forehead and shook his head in apparent embarrassment after realizing it was Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa Jr. who was among the honored guests and not the late iconic screen villain. Dellosa got a little coaching from Philippine National Police chief Director General Alan Purisima seated nearby, who whispered “Ochoa” to him.

Dellosa’s mistake drew smiles and subdued laughter from the audience, including from Ochoa himself and President Aquino as well as other officials who witnessed the ceremony yesterday at Camp Aguinaldo in Quezon City.

“The honorable Executive Secretary Paquito Diaz… I’m sorry sir, Paquito Ochoa,” Dellosa said. Paquito Diaz, the screen bad guy, died on March 3, 2011 due to complications caused by pneumonia at the age of 73.

Despite the slip, the show went on for Dellosa, who thanked the people who supported him during his stint as AFP chief.

“I have much to be thankful for in my military career, foremost of which are experiences that made my life fuller and richer,” Dellosa, who will reach the mandatory retirement age of 56 on Sunday, said.

“I face my retirement not with thoughts of what might have, or should have, been. I am contented in the fact that I have done my share in furthering the noble mission of our armed forces,” he added.

Dellosa also cited the need to continue the reforms designed to promote professionalism and proper conduct in the military.

“The continuing challenge is sustaining the forward momentum and not sliding back, and this requires constant vigilance and reaffirmation from every member of the AFP,” he said.

“I would also like to emphasize that battles are fought not only in the frontlines, but also in our own headquarters and workplaces to realize a professional, efficient and morally upright military institution,” he said.

He said he is confident that the military is in good hands under his successor, Lt. Gen. Emmanuel Bautista.

“I have been a witness to your (Bautista) leadership, your own reform initiatives, your fighting will, and your genuine concern for the men and women of the AFP,” Dellosa said.

AFP spokesman Col. Arnulfo Burgos Jr. said Dellosa will be remembered as a leader who has genuine concern for his subordinates.

“He cares for his subordinates and he reaches out to ordinary soldiers in the field. He is strict but very particular with the morale and welfare of his troops,” Burgos said.

Dellosa belongs to PMA class ’79.  He was a member of the Presidential Security Group of the late President Corazon Aquino.

Message to rebels

Bautista, meanwhile, in his acceptance speech, called on communist rebels to give up violence.

“We hope that the CPP-NPA-NDF (Communist Party of the Philippines, New People’s Army, National Democratic Front) will likewise pursue the road to peace and abandon the armed struggle,” he said.

“As we have long realized, armed struggle is not the solution to our problems.

“As the AFP takes on a support role in achieving and maintaining peace and security, we see more empowered communities and deepening of democratic institutions – the foundations of a peaceful society,” he said.


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