Comelec delists 693,558 voters for 2025 polls

Representatives from various socio-civic organizations led by election watchdog Kontra Daya participate in the automated counting machine (ACM) demonstration by the Comelec at the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City on June 28, 2024.
STAR/Miguel De Guzman

MANILA, Philippines — Close to 700,000 names have been removed from the official list of voters for the May 2025 midterm elections, the Commission on Elections reported yesterday.

Comelec data showed that 693,558 registered voters have been delisted as of July 15.

The poll body said 249,343 registered voters were canceled because of deaths as certified by local civil registrars.

The Comelec also delisted 220,644 registered voters for transferring to another city or municipality.

Up to 179,141 voters had their registration records canceled for double registration, which the Comelec found through the Automated Fingerprint Identification System.

The poll body said 42,236 registered voters were delisted as local voters since they have applied for overseas voting.

The Comelec said 2,194 registered voters with double entries were also delisted for the midterm elections.

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