4 injured as truck topples power posts

CAMP ALEJO SANTOS, Bulacan, Philippines — Four people were injured when a truck hit a power post that caused 14 other similar structures to topple in Marilao town in this province yesterday.

Johann Abella, Angelito Evangelista, Francis Morales and John Paulo Robles were taken to the Bulacan Medical Center in nearby Malolos City for treatment of injuries, according to a report received by Col. Satur Ediong, acting Bulacan police director.

Reports said the truck, driven by Alexander Nacario, was maneuvering along Mario Santiago Road in Barangay Lambakin when it hit a concrete post of the Manila Electric Co.

The impact toppled 14 other power posts and caused injury to four victims who were passing by the area when the accident occurred.

Nacario was taken to the police station for questioning.

Police said charges of reckless imprudence resulting in multiple physical injuries and damage to property would be filed against the truck driver.

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