
Cebu News

CCSC oval ready this week for Palarong Pambansa players

Caecent No-ot Magsumbol - The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines —  Athletes bound for the Palarong Pambansa from all over Central Visayas, including those from Cebu City, will have the first feel later this week of the newly-renovated rubberized oval of the Cebu City Sports Center.

Cebu City Sports Commission (CCSC) chairman John Pages told The Freeman that the blessing of the oval will be on Thursday, June 27, 2024.

With this, athletes bound for the Palarong Pambansa in time for the main event on July 9-16 can already use it for their training, particularly those competing for the track and field.

The City’s athletics players reportedly struggled during the last Central Visayas Regional Athletic Association (CVIRAA) Regional Met due to the unavailability of the track oval at the CCSC following its renovation.

Cebu City Athletics Coach Arvin Loberanis said they are pleased that they can finally try and practice on the oval.

“I'm glad that we can finally use the track oval for training. It's crucial for our athletes to practice on the track, especially with the competition approaching. While it's unfortunate that we're so close to the event and just now getting access, training on the rubberized oval will significantly benefit our athletes,” coach Arvin Loberanis told The Freeman.

To ensure that the rubberized oval is all done and ready for the Palaro, the athletes themselves will do the “test run” through an inaugural run, plus other activities set on Thursday.

“This surface provides better traction and reduces the risk of injury compared to other surfaces. It also allows athletes to focus on specific techniques and strategies relevant to track events, such as sprinting, hurdling, and relay exchanges. Regular training on the track oval will help improve their speed, endurance, and overall performance, giving them the edge they need in competition,” added coach Loberanis.

Pages, however, made it clear that the general public will only get to use the rubberized oval again only after the Palarong Pambansa. (CEBU NEWS)

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