

PNP personnel to have HMO cards

Emmanuel Tupas - The Philippine Star
PNP personnel to have HMO cards
Manila Police District (MPD) on January 4, 2024.
STAR / Ernie Penaredondo

MANILA, Philippines — Police officers no longer have to worry about unexpected expenses when they suddenly have illnesses as they are set to receive their health maintenance organization (HMO) cards in July.

Philippine National Police chief Gen. Rommel Franciso Marbil delivered the good news when he led the launch of the PNP Family Day at Camp Crame yesterday morning.

Marbil said each HMO card has P40,000 that police officers can use especially during medical emergencies.

He did not disclose the name of the HMO.

Marbil said it is only now that police officers have their own health cards, which gives them assurance they could receive prompt medical care even if they do not have money on hand.

While the 232,000-strong PNP has its Health Service, Marbil said the police force does not have hospitals in all provinces which police officers can go to in the event of emergencies.

“Usually, private hospitals (are available) so instead we give them new cards so they can go anywhere, so long as the establishment is accredited,” Marbil said.

The situation was different when he was a young police officer, Marbil said, wherein he and his colleagues would have to shell out money before they could get medical treatment.

“We would go into debt whenever we get sick,” he said.

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