

Pork overpriced, producers confirm

Bella Cariaso - The Philippine Star
Pork overpriced, producers confirm
A vendor arranges meat up for sale at Paco Public Market in Manila on February 1, 2024.
STAR / Edd Gumban

MANILA, Philippines — Pork is overpriced at P420 per kilo in the market, farmers’ group Pork Producers Federation of the Philippines chairman and AGAP party-list Rep. Nicanor Briones said yesterday.

In a radio interview, Briones said that while there was a slight movement in the farmgate price of pork, the liveweight cost is only P220 per kilo.

“The additional cost should only be P120 (per kilo) so retail price of pork kasim (or shoulder) should only be P340 (per kilo) and for pork liempo (or belly), it should be between P370 and P380 per kilo,” Briones said.

Based on the monitoring of the Department of Agriculture in Metro Manila markets, the retail price of pork ham is between P300 and P380 per kilo and pork liempo, between P340 and P420 per kilo.

Briones said that the local hog production is still affected by African swine fever (ASF) and the high temperatures brought by the current El Niño phenomenon.

“There is still a shortage in the local supply as the problem of the ASF is yet to be addressed. The hogs are still suffering from diseases and there is also mortality,” Briones said.

He added that despite the issue on the local supply, the importation of pork persisted.

“There is no reason for shortage as the volume of imported pork is still big so we have enough supply,” he said.

According to Briones, the government should encourage hog raisers to repopulate to boost local production.

At the same time, Briones said Agriculture Secretary Francisco Tiu Laurel Jr. has committed that the ASF vaccine would be available before the end of the year.

“Within this year, hopefully, the ASF vaccine will be launched especially for starters and fatteners. It is effective in Vietnam and it will encourage the hog raisers to repopulate once the vaccine is available,” Briones noted.

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