Cyanide test done on suspected mami poisoning in Tondo

Stock image of hospital beds.
Image by Silas Camargo Silão from Pixabay

MANILA, Philippines — A cyanide test was done on the chicken mami or noodle soup suspected to have poisoned 14 people and killed a woman in Tondo, Manila last week. 

According to the city public information office, the results of the cyanide test will be released in the second week of August.

The local government said eight of the hospitalized patients are now in stable condition. Five others may be discharged today. 

Another patient who was intubated was already extubated, city hall added.

Josefina Manila, 43, died after eating the chicken noodle soup at a store owned by Joy Bernardo in Barangay 172, Gagalangin on Wednesday.

The victims were rushed to the hospital after suffering dizziness and vomiting. 

Samples from the soup were taken by the Manila Health Department to determine if there was contamination.

Bernardo has apologized to the victims, saying it was not her intention to poison them with the soup.

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