Cops hunt down 50 escaped youth offenders

MANILA, Philippines — Manila Police District director Brig. Gen. Rolando Miranda yesterday ordered police officers to locate around 50 children in conflict with the law who escaped from the city social welfare office’s facility on Thursday afternoon.

The children scaled the fence of the Rasac covered court along Alvarez street at around 1:40 p.m. and brought with them several other minors who were rescued by social workers from Manila’s streets.

Some of the children were involved in cases ranging from petty crimes to illegal drugs.

In a letter to Mayor Isko Moreno, city security chief Arsenio Riparip said the children escaped after having lunch. He said the police officers at a nearby precinct failed to report the incident.

Miranda said his men are scouring certain areas in the city to locate the children and bring them back to their custodians.

“This problem is shared both by the police and city hall officials. We will find them and bring them back because they are safer there than in the streets,” Miranda told The STAR.

City social welfare chief Ma. Asuncion Fugoso ordered and investigation into the incident.

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