Soldiers overrun Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters lair

MAGUINDANAO, Philippines  —  The Army’s 6th Infantry Division yesterday overran another hideout of the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) in this province.

The military said the BIFF camp in Barangay Magaslong, Datu Piang has shelters for at least 50 people.

It was the fourth BIFF hideout seized by soldiers in the past two weeks after those in Mamasapano, Shariff Saidona Mustapha and Salibo.

Maj. Gen. Cirilito Sobejana of the 6th ID said improvised explosive devices and supplies were recovered at the scene.

Local officials and residents confirmed that the 23 BIFF men were killed in encounters with soldiers in the past 10 days.        

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