Reds use ‘love ploy’ to recruit young fighters

After dating for sometime, Noel, a New People’s Army (NPA) rebel, brought Regine to the mountains.

LOILO CITY, Philippines — At 15, Regine (not her real name) thought that she found love when she met Noel (not his real name).

After dating for sometime, Noel, a New People’s Army (NPA) rebel, brought Regine to the mountains.

Regine, a Grade 7 student in Tapaz, Capiz, stopped schooling to live with Noel in the hinterlands of Panay island. She served as a cook and food server and ran errands for communist rebels.

She was not a combatant, but she was taught how to use guns.

After more than two months, Regine surrendered to authorities upon the intercession of her cousins and friends, who are personnel of the Army and Citizen Armed Forces Geographical Unit.

Regine did not break up with Noel, but she vowed not to return to the communist movement.

 “It’s a scheme employed by the NPA. They do not only use young men to entice girls to join the movement but they also employ good-looking female rebels to recruit men into the group,” Lt. Col. Sisenando Magbalot Jr., 61st Infantry Battalion commander, said.

”We condemn the Communist Party of the Philippines and its armed wing for abusing and destroying the future of a 15-year-old girl. She is supposed to be studying... instead of carrying guns and dodging bullets,” Magbalot added.

“It was a heartless and inhumane act. They are the true child abuse perpetrators, who force children not only to carry firearms, but also to take part in their armed struggle,” Maj. Gen. Dinoh Dolina, 3rd Infantry Division commander, said.

Regine can avail herself of benefits given to rebel returnees under the government’s Enhanced-Comprehensive Local Integration program once her case is validated.

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