Weapons, gadgets seized from foreigners in Bureau of Immigration jail raid

Police officers carrying high-powered firearms guard 19,209 detainees at Camp Karingal in Quezon City yesterday. The detainees were rounded up during a citywide anti-crime drive that started on Jan. 13 and ended yesterday.
Michael Varcas

MANILA, Philippines —  Weapons, portable air conditioners and gadgets were among the contraband seized from foreigners detained at the Bureau of Immigration Warden Facility (BIWF) during a raid last Tuesday, an official said yesterday.

BI agents and police officers also confiscated laptops, mobile phones, portable WiFi devices, DVD players, a deck of cards, knives, steel tubes, scissors and lighters during the raid, Commissioner Jaime Morente said in a statement.

He said they staged the raid after receiving reports that there was a proliferation of prohibited items in the facility. 

“Past administrations used to be lenient in allowing the detainees to use gadgets, because the BIWF is a detention facility for those to be deported, and not a jail. But seeing dangerous weapons confiscated here prompts us to add stricter security measures,” Morente said. 

The BIWF serves as the detention center for foreigners who are undergoing deportation proceedings, and currently houses 236 aliens up for deportation. 

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