Couple slain over land dispute

MALOLOS, Philippines  – A couple was shot dead by motorcycle-riding men as they were bringing their produce to a market in the City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan on Saturday.

Roger Vargas, 65, died at the scene while his wife Lucila, 60, was declared dead on arrival at the Sapang Palay District Hospital, according to provincial police director Senior Superitendent Ferdinand Divina.

The victims were in a tricycle driven by their relative, Rolando Francisco, when the assailants waylaid them along Quirino Highway.

Francisco was not hurt in the attack.

Police were looking into land dispute as the motive for the killing.

Sources said the victims were members of the Alyansang Magbubukid ng Bulacan-San Jose del Monte and were tilling a property of a politician from the north.

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