Tarlac cop cleared of sexual harassment raps

SAN FERNANDO, Pampanga, Philippines – The Tarlac City prosecutor’s office has dismissed the sexual harassment case filed against a policeman of Gerona, Tarlac by a couple he arrested last year for allegedly peddling illegal drugs.

In dismissing the case against Police Officer 2 Johannes Niegos, prosecutor Aladin Bermudez Jr. said the testimony of Rio Joy Mallari during the preliminary investigation was “not believable.”

Mallari and her partner, Joel Santos, filed the case when Niegos ignored their demand for P200,000.

Mallari and Santos were indicted for extortion.

Gerona police chief Superintendent Ariel Rebancos Red hailed the indictment of the couple, noting that it has been a practice of drug dealers to blackmail and file cases against arresting officers.      

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