Supreme Court orders recall election in Puerto Princesa

MANILA, Philippines - Voting 12-0, the Supreme Court (SC) yesterday ordered the Commission on Elections (Comelec) to conduct a recall election against Puerto Princesa Mayor Lucilo Bayron.

In a decision penned by Senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio, the SC reversed and set aside Comelec Resolutions 9864 and 9882, which directed the deferment of any action on recall petitions due to budget constraints.

Puerto Princesa City information officer Al Roben Goh brought the case before the high tribunal after around 40,000 registered voters in the city signed a petition calling for the recall election.

The SC said the Comelec committed grave abuse of discretion in issuing the two resolutions.

“Considering that there is an existing line item appropriation for the conduct of recall elections in the 2014 GAA (General Appropriations Act), we see no reason why the Comelec is unable to perform its constitutional mandate,” the SC ruling said.

 The SC also cited the poll body’s fiscal autonomy and authority to enforce laws and regulations relative to the conduct of an election, plebiscite, initiative, referendum and recall. 

“Should the funds appropriated in the 2014 GAA be deemed insufficient…the Comelec chairman may exercise his authority to augment such line item appropriation from the Comelec’s existing savings,” the SC added.

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