Van driver in Midsayap accident freed after settlement

NORTH COTABATO, Philippines  --- The Midsayap municipal police released on Monday the driver of the van that figured in a  highway accident last week that left three minors dead following an off court settlement with the parents of the victims.

Driver Patrick Dunas, 29, and the parents signed a written settlement, in the presence of lawyers, local officials, and members of the Midsayap police, exonerating the former from any criminal liability in exchange for an agreed indemnification package.

Supt. Reinante Delos Santos, chief of the Midsayap police, said the agreement also outlined the driver’s commitment to shoulder all the expenses incurred in the burial of Christian Jay Romero 15, Donart James Custodio 12, and Jake Lloyd Alferes 14.

Delos Santos said Dunas, with support from the owner of the passenger van, also promised to shoulder the hospital bills of two other minors who were injured in the accident.

The victims were walking along one side of a national highway in Barangay Sadaan in Midsayap when they were rammed by the air-conditioned passenger van Dunas was driving, en route to the municipal terminal from Davao City.

Probers have established that Dunas lost control of his vehicle when one of its front tires exploded while maneuvering a downhill curve meters before the spot where the  accident occurred. - John Unson

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