NBI arrests 175 Chinese for telecom fraud

ANGELES CITY, Philippines – At least 110 Taiwanese nationals and 65 others from mainland China were arrested in a series of raids in five locations here last Wednesday for their alleged involvement in a telecommunication racket.

Police said National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) agents conducted the raids following reports that the group had defrauded their victims through phone and Internet communication.

Police said the NBI operatives confiscated communication equipment, instruction manuals, and a list of the group’s victims in the five raided locations.

Most of those arrested spoke only Chinese but were able to convey that they came from Taiwan or mainland China although most of them failed to show any passports, police said.

Taiwan’s Central News Agency quoted an investigator as saying that the raids were prompted by tips as well as “unusually heavy Internet use” in the five locations. 

The arrested foreigners were set to be charged with illegal use of communication equipment.

Local police officials are checking how those arrested were able to get into the country without passports. 

They are looking into the possibility that they were able to fly in via the Clark Freeport where no visas are required for tourists on a limited scheme.


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