Suspension sought anew vs mayor

LINGAYEN, Philippines   â€“ For the second time, the provincial council recommended another 60 days suspension against Urbiztondo Mayor Ernesto Balolong Jr., who is facing an administrative case.

Board member Alfonso Bince Jr., chair of the committee on good government and accountability of public officers, told The STAR yesterday that 10 board members signed the recommendation.

Balolong refused to comment on the matter until he gets a copy of the board resolution.

In August 2012, the provincial board issued a resolution suspending Balolong for 60 days for another administrative case.

Malacañang, however, lifted the order after the mayor filed a petition seeking to set aside the suspension order.

Balolong was accused of making withdrawals from the proceeds of a loan of the municipal government from the Philippine National Bank, without an approved ordinance.

“It is possible that he will appeal again at the Office of the President, but this time we saw to it that it is not made with undue haste,” Bince said.            

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