Convict attacks prosecutor inside QC courtroom

MANILA, Philippines - A state prosecutor was hurt when a man convicted of life jail term attacked and choked him inside the Quezon City courtroom Thursday morning.

Senior State Deputy Prosecutor Richard Anthony Fadullon sustained bruises and scratches on the neck during the attack.

Kidnap convict Onofre Surat Jr. lunged at and strangled Fadullon after Judge Manuel Sta. Cruz Jr. of the Quezon City Regional Trial Court Branch 226 handed down a guilty verdict on the accused around 10:30 a.m.

Surat was sentenced to life imprisonment for the kidnapping and killing of Mark Harris Bacalla in Barangay Fairview 2001, who was reportedly a son of a retired Quezon City judge.

The three other companions of Surat were earlier convicted by the local court.

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